Stratinis' Blog | Price Optimization and Revenue Management Insights and Tips

Webinar: Getting More Than Pretty PowerPoint Slides out of Pricing Analytics

Written by Stratinis | 23-Feb-2015 10:50:00

Stratinis are pleased to invite you to our latest webinar on 03 March 2015 that will look at the interesting topic of Getting More Than Pretty PowerPoint Slides out of Pricing Analyticsā€¯.

Pricing Analytics is an area that many companies are investing in to better understand pricing, discounting and profitability across customers, products, channels and markets. However, sometimes these investments simply result in some pretty charts shared with management every 3 months and nothing else.

Pricing Analytics should be used as an integral part of price optimization and price execution within the sales organization.

Hosted by Finn Hansen, this webinar will look at pricing analytics and approaches to gain insights from analytics that are actionable in price optimization and price execution.

The webinar will take place on 03 March 2015 at 1600 Greenwich Mean Time / 1700 Central European Time / 1100 Eastern Time / 0800 Pacific Time, and will last approximately 45 minutes with the opportunity for participants to ask questions.

While we hope you will attend as you can ask questions of the host, if you cannot, please note that the webinar will be recorded and will be available soon afterwards for viewing online at your convenience
For more information and to learn how sign up, visit the Stratinis website.